
Hottie of the week #1

it's the same person, if you didn't know.
sorry christian, i'll never let you down. you're always my n1, but there's other guys that's totally hot.
this is a model from brasil, HOT RIGHT?!


Hey y'all..

Just wanted to share this video with all of you.
I made it for Christian, but I was thinking that you might wanna check it out?
Really means alot if you watch it & tweet Christian the link.


- I think about ya, C.


i'm not blonde...

I'm not blonde & Christian likes blonde girls so.. He doesn't like me. Omgggg.. Kill me.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4



Just wanted to say goodnight.

~ thinking about u christian.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Justin Bieber turned 18 yesterday so..

All grown up.

"Looking to the sky, I will achieve on my knees, I will always believe."

#Believe #LiveMyLife #AlwaysKidrauhl #Realdeal

Happy birthday.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4